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Episcopal Diocese of Washington Improves Internal Evangelism with Messageware

Situation Religious organizations are not commonly thought of as being on the forefront of technology, but like all service organizations today, IT plays a critical role in achieving their goals. For the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, support, productivity and being highly available to their 93 congregations is an utmost priority. However, like most organizations today, [...]

Episcopal Diocese of Washington Improves Internal Evangelism with Messageware2022-07-21T04:08:52-04:00

Relief Agency Cures their OWA Security Concerns in 26 Countries with Messageware OWA Suite

Situation When natural or manmade disasters strike, it’s not unusual for relief workers to pour in. What is unusual is for those workers to certify and provision local medical trainees who can in turn help their fellow countrymen. This innovative approach to medical aid is the brainchild of a non-profit organization who has won the [...]

Relief Agency Cures their OWA Security Concerns in 26 Countries with Messageware OWA Suite2022-07-21T04:27:24-04:00